The Seraphic Chronicles Wiki

Oblivion is the third and final book in the Ejjina Mexonber-Quad Trilogy. When i decided to write a trilogy the first book (Rhapsody) was about how Ejjina gained her Quad powers, the second (Kingmaker) would be how she joined Star Command and her first adventure, and the final book, Oblivion, is designed to be the back story to the opening season of the series.

The book concentrates on the Podrink 452 Incident and the fallout, something which heavily influences the start of the series. It introduces some major characters from the series we have not met before.

But the story of the Podrink 452 Incident is a descent into hell. There can be no victory without scarifice, without darkess there is no light. And Ejjina's journey has to show this. At the start of the series Ejjina is still recovering from what happened during this period.

Right now, i have written the first act and am beginning the descent into hell. Gulp!
